
Showing posts from August, 2019


By Abdulkadir Rafiat Dearest, Sometimes, there are simply no words that can adequately express the depth of a person's feelings that are plagued by regret, guilt, and sadness for a wrong done. This is my predicament now for hurting you so badly when you trusted me so. I want to tell you I'm sorry a thousand times, but I know my apology can't undo what has been done or ease the pain in your heart. However, it also pains me to see you suffering as a result of my misbehavior. Guilt burns in my heart thinking of all the hurt that you must have felt because of my recklessness. Each time that I think of you, I get angry with myself because I can imagine all the bitter tears you must have shed when you learned of my indiscretion. I'm feeling like this because there is still love for you glowing in my heart. Otherwise, I wouldn't have cared one bit and moved on. But I don't want this relationship to end. I still care deeply about you and love you with all my ...


By Abdulkadir Rafiat        My friends ask me to do social stuff and i lie and say im busy when really i just dont feel like seeing people. I prefer to just stay home alone and have an early night. Its cheaper and no effort involved. Sometimes i do go but most of the time i just cant be bothered. I lie so that they dont think im anti social which i kind of am but thats just how i feel. I find people annoying mostly. Cant be bothered dealing with them and listening to their mostly meaningless crap. Also if i tell the truth they will try to convince me to go.