9 Simple Ways To Create More Happiness In Your Life — Every Single Day
Here are 9 simple self-care ideas and tips on how to be happy by practicing compassion and loving yourself — every single day.
1. Honor the sun
At some point in the morning, even on the way to work, face the sun and take a few minutes to simply stand still for a moment and feel its warmth.Envision it flowing into your mind, heart and body, and send its light wherever you feel the need for healing.
2. Show gratitude for water
When you splash your face after you wake up, pause to consider the stream of water passing through your hands.Honor the marriage of nature and technology that carries this life-giving flow from reservoirs and wells, through pipes, and into your home.
3. Appreciate nature
Hold a clump of dirt in your hand — from a potted plant, a garden, or under your favorite tree.Feel the grounding life force of Mother Earth and appreciate the natural cycle of seed, blossom, fruit, decay, death and rebirth.
4. Savor your favorite cup of tea or coffee
Even if you typically drink a cuppa on the fly or working at your desk, take moment to consciously savor the aroma and appreciate its warmth and energy as it makes its way through your system.Just be careful not to over-caffeinate!
5. Cherish your loved ones
Place your hand on your heart and focus your attention there. Close your eyes and welcome images of those who love you most to fill your inner vision.Reflect on the gift they are in your life and whisper a "thank you" to each one.
6. Celebrate your body
Check in with your body for any points of tension and breathe gently into each spot, drawing the tightness away from the area on the inhalation and dispelling it into the atmosphere on the out-breath.Then, focus on your areas of strength and send a blessing for the ways they support you.
7. Smile at a stranger
That’s right, crinkle your eyes and turn up the corners of your mouth in a sincere smile to someone you're passing on the street.Think of a time when an unexpected smile from someone you didn't know brightened your day and offer it as a gentle, random act of kindness.
8. Take a moment for a "coming home"blessing
As you cross the threshold of your front doorway at the end of the day, stop for a moment with your hand on the frame and give thanks that you have a safe, nurturing home to return to.You can even hang a special little picture or object next to the doorway to create a tangible blessing point.
9. Look forward to Friday
Thank goddess it’s Friday! In the spirit of sacred silliness, grab a partner and jitter-bug, polka, or tango around the living room, playground, or office.You could even have a gentle little spin with yourself, waltzing to the music of your soul.
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