These Common Mistakes Might Be Damaging Your Teeth
By Abdulkadir Rafiat
When you make certain dental health mistake, you set yourself up for some problems with your teeth and gum later on. So if you’re doing any one of these things below, it’s time to make a change.
When you make certain dental health mistake, you set yourself up for some problems with your teeth and gum later on. So if you’re doing any one of these things below, it’s time to make a change.
Drinking juice the wrong way
While loading up on fruit juice can be good for your health, it doesn’t do your teeth any favours. Juices and other colorful drinks are heavily-pigmented and can stain your teeth. One way to avoid this is to use a straw when when drinking juice.
Not brushing at night
It’s easier to find time to brush during the day than at night, but this does not mean you should skip brushing your teeth before bed. If you don’t brush before bed, your mouth becomes more acidic, making it a breeding ground for plaque and bacteria.
Forgetting to replace your toothbrush
Many people either forget to change their toothbrush or use it for longer than they should. You should change your toothbrush every three months. You can also soak it regularly in mouthwash for 20 minutes to get rid of bacteria.
Not visiting your dentist regularly
Don’t wait until you have a problem before visiting a dentist. A number of dangerous mouth diseases like tooth decay, cancer, and gum disease often don’t show symptoms until they are in their advanced stages. So going for a regular oral exam is crucial.
Regularly snacking on sweet things
This is another dental health mistake you may be making. Regular snacking on sweets and candy will expose your teeth to decay among other things.
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