Dear ___________, For the most part, I’m writing to let you know that I’m OK. I can't believe you used to make me the happiest girl in the world and that you convinced me you were “the one." I didn't doubt you one bit, that I was so proud to tell my parents and friends about the wonderful guy I was with. But when you first want someone, you’ll do anything and everything to make sure you will have him or her in the palm of your hand, you had me fooled. Face it -- you were never there to support me and the effort was never reciprocated. You loved the fact that you had someone attached to your hip that you could control and take advantage of and the love they had to offer. I was trapped in your shadow hoping to satisfy your every want and need that I lost sight of who I was. I can’t thank you enough for doing what you did to me because I would’ve never realized how much of an amazing person I am. I did everything I could to make sure you wouldn’t leave, but it was ne...
Just appreciate what you have. You don't need to make your B**** bigger.