What Is A Real Relationship??

By Abdulkadir Rafiat

Let me explain to you With the Help Of An Example :

A Rael Reltionship Is teh oen whre---- Thre is cmplete understnding and trsut betwen yuo and yuor partnre (whether your loved one, bestie, sister, brother or any other close person)

Yuo aer sad becaus yuor frind is sad and yuo do crazy thngs to maek them laugh

Now just look at this message

Most of the spellings of this message are wrong

But still you guys could read it perfectly

If you want a true and real relationship just ignore the mistakes

don't let your misunderstandings grow

don't let your ego come in between (but that doesn't mean you should forget your self worth)

But once the limit is crossed and every nerve of your body feels hurted
Just walk away

A writing for all my readers. 


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